If I was to sum up in one sentence what the Learning Community was about, I'd say it was a place that people who are committed to person centred change, who want to see positive choice and control returned to the lives of people who have had it taken away by impersonal institutions and health and social care systems, can come together to share learning, gain mutual support and promote the very best practices.
The community is based in years of experience of implementing what became 'Essential Lifestyle Planning', and its deconstruction into 'Person Centred Thinking' and 'Person Centred Practices' whose directness, simplicity and practicality opened up person centred approaches to many more people. A key part of its work is gathering together what's being learned about what works and doesn't work in implementing such work, finding out what's most effective at creating positive change in people's lives and inclusion and contribution to their communities.
The learning community is International, being organised in a number of countries, including the USA, Canada, Australia, Britain and now India, and with many connections developing in other countries (I may have missed several out through sheer ignorance).
One of the key dangers person centred practices face is the misuse and perversion of it's language and techniques. All it takes for an organisation to claim it is 'person centred' is to stick this on their website. However organisations and individuals that take the challenge of increasing choice and control in people's lives seriously go far further, working hard with accredited trainers for deep cultural change in their organisations. Person Centredness is a journey on which many have embarked but where nobody has yet 'arrived', it's something we're striving for. TLCPCP therefore has an important role as the guardian of key values and practices that might otherwise be diluted or used as window dressing for what remain institutional and service-centred practices, particularly in a time of austerity where cheap shortcuts look so attractive to those that hold the purse-strings! (In the long, and not-so long run, such short cuts of course usually prove to be very expensive to all involved!)
The TLCPCP helps with this work by ensuring that trainers are accredited, and by renewing commitment and fidelity to the values that motivate person centred change. This is coupled with sharing very practical person centred thinking tools and skills that enable such change at scale. The crucial balance between fidelity to values and work at scale is at the heart of almost every discussion and debate held within the TLCPCP.
Given that TLCPCP is a non-profit organisation with no staff and very limited resources, it has achieved a great deal thanks to the commitment of its members and the warm support of partner organisations. It has aims to expand into new countries and further develop the evidence base for person centred practices, spreading them further and deeper so that choice and control can no longer be usurped from human beings by the systems intended to support them.
The TLCPCP has a lively facebook page and can be followed on twitter: @TLCPCP
I am really concerned that you all believe that only "accredited" people can use person centered thinking tools. To me thinking this way is how we got in trouble with the old institutional Medical models..... It began with the "professionals" saying they knew more that the parents / family members of the individuals with developmental disabilities. If you are going to make it so people must be accredited please have a process by which persons who are Naturals at person centered thinking and planning can become accredited through you. Too many can pay for an accreditation and can take a test but when it comes to person centered thinking working with individuals they do not do very well....
ReplyDeleteThe 'accreditation' TLCPCP gives to person centred thinking trainers means that you know a trainer has reached a certain standard as is receiving support and mentoring from the community.
ReplyDeleteWe try to share our learning generously, you'll find examples of the tools we share in numerous publications and freely available on several websites.
I would personally recommend that anyone seeking to introduce such tools does ensure that everyone who will be using them does get some training in how to do so, otherwise there's a real risk that they'll be used in a superficial way that makes not much difference to the person and their life.
I'd also recommend that directors and managers attend the same training as their frontline staff.
The 'naturals' I meet are usually really keen to attend trainings, and a good trainer will ensure that the enthusiasm values and skills that the naturals bring to the training is shared with everyone else who attends. They bring real gifts to the training.