I spent last week in Portland, for The Learning Community for Person Centered Practice's gathering in Portland Oregon. There's a good video that interviews some of the participants here:
I gave three presentations there. One was on the Justice for LB campaign, one was on writing really good One Page Profiles, and one was on the work of building community circles in the UK.
I chose these topics, because I felt they were the most important things happening in the world of person centred practices in the UK that the delegates at this conference in the US should hear about, for different reasons.
I felt it was vital for people to hear about Justice for LB, because it's a story that illustrates just how vital it is for services to listen properly to people and their families, and the potentially tragic consequences of failing to do this.
The people who came to this session were visibly moved by Connor's story. They told me that on occasions where this kind of thing happened in the US, the company involved would generally be put out of business, either by quality inspectors, or by the cost of the damages they would have to pay out.
The key issue was that the family had the answers all the time. They knew about the support Connor needed, and they knew that person centred approaches like the person centred review were the way to think together about, plan and deliver the support he needed. All that was needed was for the service to listen to Connor and his family.
"Good support starts and ends with listening. Listen to the person. Listen to the people who know the person best. Listen again. Ask questions, keep listening. When you finally think you’ve heard enough, you’re wrong. Listen more".
I've written previously in this blog about the Winterbourne View Concordat, Justice for LB, and how person centred approaches could be part of helping people get out of Assessment and Treatment Units and into the community.
I talked about One Page Profiles because they are proving to be such a brilliant way of introducing person centred change into individual people's lives, and at scale across services. There was really warm applause for the 100 One Page Profiles blog, which was seen as a real asset for person centred practitioners, both as a source of stories, a repository of great examples of the best one page profiles, and as an illustration of the breadth of applications for this person centred thinking tool. Michael Smull told me personally that he considered Helen Sanderson's work on One Page Profiles to be just as brilliant as anything he himself had ever come up with, "and that's speaking as someone with an ego the size of mine".

The board of the TLCPCP later agreed that the principles that make circles work, shared in my presentation could potentially also be used as principles with which the Learning Community itself could reframe itself as a growing international community of practice; we could become a global circle sharing our learning together. This is really exciting news, and something I'll be thinking and talking about a lot more in the months to come!
A really big highlight of the Gathering for me was meeting Angela Amado, a leading figure in the field of creating inclusive connected communities, for example I really admire this manual on connecting people with disabilities with their local communities. It was great to tell her about some of what Connect4Life has been doing in central Lancashire.
Overall the gathering was a great opportunity to meet a room packed full of real leaders, ideas people and creative change makers: people full of energy and experience, with a determination to change the system, who have certainly boosted me and made me feel optimistic about the prospects for helping many more people gain choice and control in their lives.